
With over 100,000 employees, the German aerospace industry is not only a driving force of the economy, but also an important employer for numerous highly qualified employees. According to the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI), the industry generates an annual sales volume of around 40 billion euros.

Our partners in this sector master a wide range of challenges in the use of modern key technologies. The aerospace industry therefore places a strong focus on research and development in order to push the limits of what is technically feasible. In addition to large corporations, small and medium-sized companies in particular contribute significantly to the international success of the industry.

Through our application-oriented research work in the areas of engineering, production and multi-material solutions, we have a broad wealth of experience from numerous research and industrial projects in the aerospace industry. If required, we can support our partners throughout the entire process, from the selection of materials and processes to production ramp-up and quality assurance. Gain a first impression here through selected reference projects and contact us at any time with your individual inquiries.

Sample project »BTfly«

Automated variation and evaluation of composite components along their life cycle

Selected reference projects from the aerospace industry


Development of scenarios for the cost-effective production of helicopter substructures.


Helicopter rotor blades in prepreg construction are very expensive and require a lot of manual work. Goal: Illustration and optimization of the material flow / production layout.

Platinum-Rhodium combustion chamber

The use of special materials is indispensable in space travel today. At this point, additive manufacturing offers new potential for the implementation of function-optimized designs.

From TRL2 to Take-off

Development of a CFRP manufacturing process chain (with Premium AEROTEC GmbH, among others), which allows a considerable reduction in weight and costs compared to today's titanium construction.


Development of an efficient overall process chain for the production of integral, thermoplastic composite aircraft frames


Biological transformation along the product life cycle of electrically powered aircrafts

Alloy development of casting materials

The Fraunhofer IGCV is working on the development of novel aluminum alloys that are characterized by enhanced mechanical properties.


The goal of KINEMATAM is to implement encapsulated mechatronic assemblies by means of an adapted laser beam melting process. The project is the next development step in the field of function integration.


The FASTMULT project investigates the economic production of large-volume multi-material components using an order-based additive manufacturing process based on cold gas spraying.

To the other industry solutions

Mechanical and plant engineering

Our partners in mechanical and plant engineering develop innovative solutions for the central challenges of our time.

Automotive and commercial vehicles

The challenges of modern mobility lie above all in the areas of safety, efficiency, comfort and environmental and climate friendliness.

Ihr Kontakt zu uns

Reference projects

Here you will find an overview of reference projects of Fraunhofer IGCV.

Cooperation with Fraunhofer IGCV

We will be happy to find an individual solution for you.

FAQs about the cooperation with Fraunhofer

Here you will find an overview of the most important questions in the context of a first cooperation.

range of services

This is what the Fraunhofer IGCV can do for you.


contact persons

All contact persons for specific project inquiries.