New qualification programme makes SMEs fit for industry 4.0
A new qualification program for I4.0 is being developed specifically for employees of SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe in the areas of technology, HR/organization and new business models. The aim is to build up capacities in SMEs and increase their competitiveness.
Increasing digitization is undoubtedly bringing major changes for the economy and society. For example, networked technologies in the form of cyber physical systems enable companies to create completely new solutions, operate in new markets or offer new services. In order to do this, the working world and also people must adapt to these new technologies and solutions. The increasing complexity of these systems and the necessary know-how are challenging. Accordingly, appropriately trained specialists are in demand. Companies are therefore called upon to invest time and money not only in technology, but also in the further training of their employees.
Knowledge advantage increases competitiveness
The newly designed multilevel I4.0 course will use a mixture of proven and new training formats and methods. In addition to lecture seminars, this includes Living Lab webinars, practical test runs in a model factory and participation in AVM strategy camps. Course participants who successfully complete all modules of the qualification program receive a certificate.
The first one-day seminars will be offered from autumn 2018. Participation in the course is free of charge for interested companies from Central and Eastern Europe.
The project team
On 1 July 2017 the Interreg Central Europe project "InnoPeer AVM" was launched with the aim of developing a transnational Industry 4.0 Qualification Program for SMEs in Central and Eastern Europe. The Upper Austrian Business Agency - Business Upper Austria - is responsible for the overall coordination. An international project team from Germany, Hungary, Poland and Italy supports the project. The Fraunhofer IGCV deals with the use of digitization solutions in industry. In addition to a modular training program, the focus is particularly on the development and use of demonstration scenarios that can be used to make the added value of digitization solutions tangible.
Facts about the EU Interreg Central Europe Project "InnoPeer AVM"
Project volume: EUR 2.790.228,80
Duration: July 2017 bis June 2020
The project partners
Austria: Business Upper Austria - Upper Austrian Business Agency
Austria: Johannes Kepler University Linz - Institute for Labor Research and Labor Policy
Italy: Veneto Innovazione
Italy: University of Padua - Institute for Engineering and Management of Industrial Systems
Italy: Fondazione Democenter - Sipe
Hungary: Pannon Business Network
Hungary: University of Sopron
Germany: Mechatronics & Automation Cluster Bavaria
Germany: Universität der Bundeswehr Munich
Germany: Fraunhofer - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandte Forschung - Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV
Poland: Wroclawska University of Technology
DI Eva Breuer, Project Manager
E-mail:, mobile: +43 664 8481291