Development of a biotechnological recycling process for flame-retardant PET materials
The PET-Rezya project addresses the overarching goal of transforming today's economy into a bioeconomic circular economy. On the one hand, climate change will be countered through the circular use of raw materials, and on the other hand, environmental pollution caused by plastic waste will be reduced through circular use.
In this project, together with the project partners, a recycling process based on the enzymatic decomposition of plastics is to be developed and used. The aim is to recycle flame-retardant PET using suitable enzymes.
Especially for the transport sector, including aviation, it is essential to move towards more circular material flows. Technical PET polymers, which generally have a wide range of applications, are the focus of this project.
For bioprocess engineering, this recycling process to be developed will lead to a broadening of its technology base, especially in the circular use of plastics.