FI:IL | Functionally integrated intelligent lamella

Sensor-integrated composite lamella for cost-effective lightweight construction in mass markets

The mobility and energy sectors are changing, with lightweight construction playing a particularly important role. It offers an ideal combination of application-specific design and optimum utilization of material properties. If functionalization is to take place in addition to lightweight construction, smart products are usually only economically attractive for high-performance applications. This is where the FI:IL research project comes in, realizing the cost-effective production of sensor-integrated FRP components that enable spatially resolved determination of the load conditions currently present on the component.

The measurement of strain and temperature using a robust and universally applicable sensor is coupled with innovative communication via an integrated BUS system in order to cost-effectively integrate into the new component the features otherwise withheld from high-priced sensor systems - such as spatially resolved measurement. In combination with an economical and resource-saving production process such as pultrusion, there is the potential for a low-cost component with functional integration for wind turbines, structural stiffeners and mobility solutions.


We would like to thank the BMWK for funding the project!

The project »FI:IL - Functionally integrated intelligent lamella: Sensor-integrated composite lamella for cost-effective lightweight construction in mass markets« is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection as part of the Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program. 

Predictive maintenance and data-driven component design for cross-industry applications

FIIL-Platine mit aufgebrachter Sensorik im Vergleich zu einer 1-Euro Münze
© Fraunhofer IGCV
FIIL board with applied sensors compared to a 1-euro coin

With the help of FI:IL, information about the current component status is generated continuously. Maintenance that corresponds to the actual condition (predictive maintenance) can save resources and therefore CO2. Functioning components are not replaced prematurely and defects are detected at an early stage. Furthermore, the information collected over the entire life cycle of the component can be used to draw conclusions about the loads that have occurred. On the one hand, this information can be used to design new components (data-driven component design), which in turn have a higher lightweight design potential than the predecessor products. On the other hand, by knowing the loads that have occurred, a comparison can be made with the service life calculation and, if necessary, the operating life of the systems can be extended. This saves resources both in the short and medium term during operation and in the long term through the optimized design of new components. 

This saves resources along the entire life cycle and significantly extends the service life, thereby contributing to climate protection and sustainability. In order to make the best possible use of the potential, the technology will be implemented across all sectors using three scenarios as examples:

  • Civil engineering: Increasing the effective service life of structures using the example of bridge reinforcements
  • Mobility: Using FI:IL to determine the load condition of cargo bikes
  • Energy: Reducing the downtime and increasing the service life of wind turbines
Pultrusion process for manufacturing the FIIL
© Fraunhofer IGCV
Pultrusion process for manufacturing the FIIL
Carrier textile with attached circuit board (top) and pultruded FIIL with integrated sensors (bottom)
© Fraunhofer IGCV
Carrier textile with attached circuit board (top) and pultruded FIIL with integrated sensors (bottom)

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