Sensor-integrated composite lamella for cost-effective lightweight construction in mass markets
The mobility and energy sectors are changing, with lightweight construction playing a particularly important role. It offers an ideal combination of application-specific design and optimum utilization of material properties. If functionalization is to take place in addition to lightweight construction, smart products are usually only economically attractive for high-performance applications. This is where the FI:IL research project comes in, realizing the cost-effective production of sensor-integrated FRP components that enable spatially resolved determination of the load conditions currently present on the component.
The measurement of strain and temperature using a robust and universally applicable sensor is coupled with innovative communication via an integrated BUS system in order to cost-effectively integrate into the new component the features otherwise withheld from high-priced sensor systems - such as spatially resolved measurement. In combination with an economical and resource-saving production process such as pultrusion, there is the potential for a low-cost component with functional integration for wind turbines, structural stiffeners and mobility solutions.
We would like to thank the BMWK for funding the project!
The project »FI:IL - Functionally integrated intelligent lamella: Sensor-integrated composite lamella for cost-effective lightweight construction in mass markets« is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection as part of the Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program.