CLLAIM | Creating knowledge and skills in additive manufacturing

Lack of skilled workers in the additive production

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an indispensable part of modern production technologies. The complex subject area requires distinctive expertise and technical knowledge of constantly changing requirements and specifications. Important German core industries such as the automotive industry or aerospace are increasingly facing the challenge of finding qualified specialists who can meet the high expectations. One of the reasons is that training and further education offers in the field of additive manufacturing are not harmonized.


Standardization of training and further education

The Project CLLAIM (Creating KnowLedge and SkilLs in AddItive Manufacturing) aims at the development of a standardized education and training system within the EU for skilled workers in the field of additive manufacturing. The following four profiles will be pursued:

  • Operator (machine operator)
  • Designer (design engineer)
  • Supervisor (specialist) 
  • Inspector (quality inspector)

The exchange of pedagogically valuable measures also plays an important role. An EU-wide network for cooperation between educational initiatives and the AM industry is to be created and expanded. Ultimately, it is not only educational institutions and research centers that benefit from the initiatives launched by CLLAIM, but also the industry and skilled workers themselves.


Creating Knowledge and Skills in Additive Manufacturing (CLLAIM)
Creating Knowledge and Skills in Additive Manufacturing (CLLAIM)

Cooperation with Fraunhofer IGCV

Contact us for an individual solution that suits your business needs.

Industry solutions

The key sectors of Fraunhofer IGCV:

  • Mechanical and plant engineering
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive and commercial vehicles


We are shaping the way into the future of efficient engineering, networked production and intelligent multi-material solutions.