Artificial intelligence for medium-sized businesses: Guide published

On October 7, 2020 the guideline »Artificial Intelligence – Potentials and Implementation in Medium-Sized Businesses« was presented by the VDMA Bavaria. The Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology IGCV together with the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) of the Technical University of Munich took over the scientific management of the project. The aim is to support small and medium-sized companies on their way to digitalization and provide them with concrete practical assistance.

The practical guide »Artificial Intelligence – Potentials and Implementation in Medium-Sized Companies« aims to establish a common understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and to promote its implementation in medium-sized companies. Under the scientific direction of Fraunhofer IGCV and the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) of the Technical University of Munich, a working group of 13 companies from the Bavarian capital goods industry has been working on the guide to artificial intelligence since the beginning of 2020.

The now published practical guide serves as an orientation aid and shows individual potentials of AI technologies for medium-sized companies. In addition to a compact introduction to the topic of Artificial Intelligence and a large variety of practical examples, the guide provides an overview of how AI projects can be successfully implemented and how the methods of Artificial Intelligence can be made economically applicable. »With the developed process model and the provided working materials, we provide companies with guidelines for the successful implementation of AI projects,« explains Marcus Röhler, research associate at Fraunhofer IGCV.

AI Guide: Artificial intelligence for medium-sized businesses
© Tatiana Shepeleva -
AI Guide: Artificial intelligence for medium-sized businesses

Recognize and use AI potential

To this end, the guide first addresses the basics of Artificial Intelligence and explains the most important terms as well as the application possibilities of AI projects and their added value for industrial companies. Using numerous practical examples, it describes how AI potential can be identified and successfully used in your own company. How can AI projects be implemented concretely? How can the available database be evaluated? How are the findings optimally documented? These questions are answered in the last part of the guide. »This makes the guide easily accessible to the company and extremely practical,« says Guido Reimann, who is responsible for the AI topic area in the VDMA.

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