FAQs about Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

  • Fraunhofer researches and creates innovations

    The Fraunhofer Institutes offer research services: They work for clients from industry and the public sector. The aim of this applied research is to use science and research for innovative products and applications. Fraunhofer delivers what industry needs: innovation. Because these are one of the most important factors in entrepreneurial success. Only those who know their customers' wishes, who are technically up-to-date, who react quickly to market changes, will survive in global competition.

    Those who want to lead their company to success rely on a professional innovation team: creative minds, experienced developers, in-house research departments. Those who want to take advantage of all the benefits also commit external expertise: the Fraunhofer Institutes represent an economical alternative. They help to advance the innovation process in the company.

    Fraunhofer offers customized partnerships

    In most industries, research is indispensable for economic success, but it also costs money. That is why every company must take care to make its innovation work as effective as possible.
    Contract research is an inexpensive option: As temporary partners, Fraunhofer Institutes complete specific projects on time and professionally. Compared to in-house research capacity, the costs are low and easy to calculate.

  • Yes, because innovations are the basis of success for our economy as well as for each individual company. Innovations are particularly important in industries where product life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter due to global competition and rapid technological development. But ideas alone are not enough.

    We support industrial companies thanks to our many years of experience and professionalism, so that ideas really become innovations and market successes!

  • Research on behalf of customers is the primary business area of the Fraunhofer Institutes. The know-how of the employees is accordingly aligned: They know the general conditions in the companies and know what is important.

    The intensive cooperation with industry leads to a constant adaptation of Fraunhofer research to the increasing requirements of the companies. Important cornerstones: guaranteed confidentiality, continuity in key positions, first-class equipment and reliable project management. The efficient cooperation ensures that the client receives the agreed solution on time and can also use it in practice. Our customers can rely on a suitable process organization in the institutes for the sustainable implementation of their requirements.

    Other research providers, which are mainly publicly financed, may appear more cost-effective at first glance. However, the high professionalism of the cooperation and the traditional proximity to industry ultimately speak in favor of Fraunhofer - also from an economic point of view. The high level of customer satisfaction - confirmed by surveys - shows that Fraunhofer enjoys an excellent reputation as a partner for companies.

  • After the first contact, a free and non-binding consultation is held. Here, the goals of the cooperation can be explored and the time and financial framework can be determined. This is followed by contract negotiations, the signing of the contracts and the start of the research and development work.

    The cooperation with Fraunhofer can be freely arranged. The institutes are basically geared to the specific needs of the customer. Often a successful cooperation starts with an entry-level project. If you have a small project to work on, the Fraunhofer staff will provide you with research and development services just as professionally as the client of a major project.

    Here you will find an overview of the cooperation possibilities with the Fraunhofer IGCV

  • The client of a collaboration with Fraunhofer receives ownership of products, prototypes and other material objects developed on his behalf. In addition, he or she is granted the necessary rights of use for the inventions, industrial property rights and resulting know-how created by Fraunhofer in the process. These rights/licenses shall not be available to the client exclusively or exclusively for the application purpose underlying his order. The exclusive application-related right of use provides the client with optimum protection against competition. Outside the "client area", Fraunhofer shall retain the opportunity to further develop and otherwise use its own know-how, inventions and industrial property rights. In this way, each client also benefits from the extensive technological background that Fraunhofer brings to the cooperation.

  • Data and knowledge of the commissioning company are always treated in strict confidence. Fraunhofer always works according to the need-to-know principle: only Fraunhofer employees are given access to customer-confidential information that they need to carry out the specific project. If necessary, separate premises or separate laboratory areas are set up to maintain confidentiality. In some cases, competitors in a particular industry deliberately cooperate with Fraunhofer, as this creates an independent, pre-competitive environment in which synergies can be exploited.

  • Fraunhofer only uses the name of the client for its own PR work if the client expressly agrees. Otherwise, the project may only be reported on in such a way that the client himself is not identifiable.

  • Yes, the technical equipment is always state-of-the-art. The close cooperation between Fraunhofer institutes and universities also provides access to the latest developments in the respective fields. The international activity provides information about the "state of the art" of the respective technology. In many areas, Fraunhofer itself is at the forefront of technological development.

  • Cooperation with companies is the daily bread of the employees at Fraunhofer. They derive their professional self-conception from the fact that their work is always aimed at application. Dealing with many different clients also ensures that Fraunhofer has extensive experience with the way companies think and work, and provides insight into different corporate cultures. Many Fraunhofer employees have worked in industry themselves. Fraunhofer research can best be compared to an outsourced research department of a company. Here, too, the work is aimed at the application of the results. And the self-image at Fraunhofer is correspondingly: we work for the economy; we enable our customers to turn knowledge into money.

Market and customer orientation

This is what Fraunhofer IGCV can do for you!

How is the cooperation with Fraunhofer IGCV organized?

From single orders to complex large-scale projects or strategic partnerships: Here you will find the overview!

Contact person for project enquiries

Overview of contacts for each field of research.

Customer references

Customers report about their experiences with our work.